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Quantum Healing Hypnosis

QHHT® (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Techniqueâ„ ) is a powerful tool, developed by Dolores Cannon, which she developed and refined over her 45 year career as a regressive hypnotherapist, to access that all knowing part of ourselves that has been called The Higher Self, The Oversoul, even the Soul itself. When we incarnate on Earth we forget our previous lives and connection to our souls and The Source. QHHT® enables all people from any background, culture, religion or belief system to engage with what she called The Subconscious, since it resides beyond the conscious mind. Dolores’s term The Subconscious is that greater part of ourselves that is always connected to The Source, or God, and has unlimited knowledge and an unlimited ability to heal the physical body. Sometimes mental and physical ailments are rooted in trauma from past lives; sometimes they are connected to lessons being learned in a person’s present life. The SC reveals the cause and will assist according to any soul’s particular lessons.

Some people might better understand the term "Past Life Regression," and that is exactly how QHHT® started, with exploration of Past Lives.  Today, with the expansion of human consciousness, more than just Past Lives are available to experience.  Some people experience Future Lives, Parallel Lives, Lives on Other Planets, Lives in Other Dimensions. Some people visit the Spirit Side. Some people find themselves in the Akashic Records and still others visit the Temple of Healing. QHHT® focuses on the concept that the client will go to "the most appropriate time and place" to address any requests for healing or information. 
Anything is possible in terms of healing and it must be stated that healing can only occur if an individual wants to be healed and if it does not interfere with the goals of their lifetime.

Sessions last 4-6 hours
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Contact me to set up an appointment

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